Zap Away Back Pain

May 26, 2022
Zap Away Back Pain
There are several "common" treatments for back pain like medications, physical therapy, chiropractic, spinal decompression. Eventually, surgery may even be on the table.

There are several "common" treatments for back pain like medications, physical therapy, chiropractic, spinal decompression. Eventually, surgery may even be on the table.

These are good approaches, and work for SOME people, but not everyone. There are some cases of back pain that simply don't respond to these treatments. If you're one of those people, you know chronic pain can feel like a total nightmare!

However, there's another powerful medical treatment available you may not have heard of yet that might eliminate your back pain all together. We call it the "Back Pain Zapper", because that's what it does! It zaps the pain away, and in many cases, almost instantly. The technical name for this treatment is Radiofrequency Neurotomy, or RF.

RF uses advanced imaging so doctors can deliver radio frequency waves directly to the nerves transmitting pain signals to your brain. This means you’ll no longer feel the pain in your back. Results can be dramatic and almost instantaneous for many patients.

That said, this treatment is not for everyone so we encourage you to schedule a FREE no-obligation screening with one of our expert physicians to see if you’re a candidate.

Just call 877-245-9252 and we'll find the most convenient appointment available.