What about those PRP Treatments?

Mar 08, 2022
What about those PRP Treatments?
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a therapy that utilizes a patient’s own blood to stimulate a healing response within a damaged joint or tissue. This form of therapy takes cutting edge technology and combines it with the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a therapy that utilizes a patient’s own blood to stimulate a healing response within a damaged joint or tissue. This form of therapy takes cutting edge technology and combines it with the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

PRP is made by taking a small sample of a patient’s own blood and spinning the sample in a centrifuge for fifteen minutes. This process concentrates platelets and white blood cells in what is called a “buffer coat” that is extracted and delivered to the injured area.

Growth factors in the platelets recruit and produce the cells necessary for healing. For example, if you have knee arthritis, the doctor will take a small sample of your blood, spin it in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other components. The doctor will then inject the concentrated platelets at the site of your knee damage in an attempt to activate tissue recovery, healing, and a decrease in pain.

Conditions Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Can Help

  • Shoulder, involving rotator cuff tendinitis, impingement, bursitis, bicipital tendinitis

  • Wrist and hand, involving De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, tendinitis, ligament tears

  • Elbow, involving tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow

  • Hip, involving iliotibial band tendonitis (ITB Syndrome), iliopsoas tendonitis and bursitis, greater trochanteric bursitis, sacroiliac joint dysfunction

  • Knee, involving patellar tendonitis, partially torn or strained major knee ligaments (LCL/MCL)

  • Ankle and foot, involving Achilles tendonitis, peroneal tendonitis, recurrent ankle sprains, and other foot or ankle tendinitis

“I have been studying pain medicine for years – Stem cell and PRP are some of the most promising exciting treatments I have seen. With the results I have seen, I think anyone suffering with arthritis pain, ligament or tendons injuries in the shoulder, knee, elbow, etc. owe it to themselves to at least look into this procedure.” - Dr. Jack Mbabuike , Medical Director, of NYC Pain MD In New York City

Here’s How To Get Your Free PRP Screening! Just call 877-245-9252 and tell the scheduling coordinator you'd like your, “PRP Assessment”. They will schedule you for the time that works best for you. At the assessment you will discover if and how PRP can help you.

You will also have an opportunity to get all your questions answered by calling 877-245-9252. NYC Pain MD would like you to have the best information so you can make the best choice and hopefully get out of pain. Call them and find out if they can help you like they have already helped so many others in your community.