Outsmarting Knee Arthritis!

Mar 15, 2022
Outsmarting Knee Arthritis!
If you suffer with painful knee arthritis or other joint pain, science may have finally found the answer you’ve been looking for!

If you suffer with painful knee arthritis or other joint pain, science may have finally found the answer you’ve been looking for!

Here's why: Researchers have discovered an all-natural gel that is like “joint oil.” This all-natural “gel” medicine can actually replace the naturally occurring lubricating substances in your knee joint which diminish with age leading to arthritis.

When doctors precisely put this lubricating gel into your knee joint using critically necessary Precision Arthritis Targeting Technology or P.A.T, it's like putting oil on a rusty door hinge or adding oil to a car’s engine. It lubricates the joint, absorbs weight bearing pressures, and can decrease pain and stiffness. For some, results can be dramatic and last for months. Often times knee replacement surgery can be avoided!

IMPORTANT: This is not a supplement you can buy over the counter or on the internet. This is an FDA cleared REAL medical treatment that must be given by a highly skilled doctor armed with advanced medical technology. It even has enough research to be covered by most insurance, even Medicare!

The great news is that NYC Pain MD, a center for Arthritis and joint pain right here in NYC, offers a No-Cost No-obligation appointment to find out if you qualify. To speak with a specialist about your arthritis pain call 877-245-9252.